Date and Cams

Date and cams is my personal self advice blog and diary regarding my experience with online dating and cams.

Why Date and Cams?

First, let me tell you a few words about me. I love dating, especially the first couple of dates when you're just getting to know the other person and maybe start developing feelings for them. You feel the butterflies in your stomach whenever you're about to see them and that's just the most amazing feeling in the world. 

That feeling fades as the relationship advances, but that's because it transforms into something more solid.

Up until I was 24 years old I used to date quite a lot, then I got into a relationship, which was a lot of fun. Two years later that relationship ended and I started travelling for work a lot. 

I'd stay in a different city or country for one or two months, then head back home for another month, then on the road again.

As you can imagine, this makes dating almost impossible. After waiting a while, I turned to online dating. I don't actually prefer it to real life dating, because I actually prefer the person I'm dating to be right in front of me, but online dating has turned out to be quite a lot of fun. 

I'm trying to only date women from the city I live in. We get to know eachother online, talk on Skype or on the phone and then if everything goes well and she's into me as well, we usually get together when I'm back home. 

It's not ideal, but I've made it work, since the alternative was not dating at all. 

So back to the original question, why date and cams? 

Because I do online dating and cams are a big part of that. But enough for now, I'll explain more in another blog post.